Oliver is over nine months old, but he still hasn't met his grandparents in Ithaca. His American (and Canadian) cousins and aunts and uncles are all very eager to meet him as well, so we're leaving today on a three week trip to Ithaca. We're extremely worried about the long trip (28 hours door to door), the tight connections, dealing with tube feeding and vomiting and pressure in the ears, changes of clothing and paperwork and a million other things. Oliver "volunteered" to travel in checked baggage with his passport and his blankie, but then we decided that it probably wasn't such a good idea...

We've been too busy to post much of anything recently, but here's a picture that Meghan took that we particularly like...
Hi Oliver, Meghan & Shami
We are thinking of you back "down under" and hoping that the journey was managable. You must be just about there by now!
We'll miss you at playgroup, but we hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends.
Hugs to you all, Susan - along with Jason, Lucy, Molly and BT
Hey Bling, Meghan,
Li'l Oliver looks really happy & excited;-) Hope the trip wasn't too painful for him (or you two)!! Take care all of you.
Little Ollie seems to be enjoying himself inside the suitcase !!
We do hope he will get over the tremendous strain and jet-lag soon, and let his cousins and grandparents really enjoy his presence while his parents relax for a little while.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Given the way that my last overseas flight went, I think I agree with Ollie that curling up inside checked baggage may be the right way to go...
Thanks for posting the great new pics . Hope you three made it back to the States safe and sound - welcome home!
Hi Meghan! I was searching Ithaca Playgroups on Google and your blog came up! I thought it was funny so I wanted to drop you a note. I'd love to talk but can't find your number. Give me a call sometime!
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